AsianUpward expands the leadership possibilities of Asian Pacific American (APA) professionals and the organizations that champion us–for all stakeholders’ mutual, synergistic benefit.
To achieve our vision, AsianUpward c0-creates:
APA-Tailored Talent Strategies & Solutions. AsianUpward features pioneering APA-focused strategies and culturally customized talent programs that integrate APA elements that make our programs truly unique and stand out.
Practical Tools. Immediately apply and learn from differentiated content, such as our signature APA-targeted ToolBooks and other publications
Research on APA Professionals. Data drives design and dedicated change.
Communities of Practice for APA Executives and Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). These specialized groups. jointly forge innovative solutions and share best practices.
Allyship Support. Dedicated toward mutual benefit toward organizations who advocate for APAs.
AsianUpward is an initiative of Elevate.
Elevate is a multi-university partnership, along with Spectrum Knowledge and the University of California Office of the President—MESA. We cross-pollinate industry and academic innovation for inclusive and diverse leadership. One unified phrase embodies both our mission and vision:
Elevate helps you define, refine, and align your purpose with your organization’s purpose.
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